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A native of Shanghai who emigrated to the U.S. in his teens, Attorney Lincoln Z. Zhao is equally fluent in English and Mandarin, as well as the Shanghai and Canton dialects of the Chinese language, and holds bar qualifications in New York, Massachusetts and Florida. A dedicated "China lawyer" ever since first launching his legal career in 1999, Attorney Zhao has represented a multitude of corporate and high net-worth clients in US-China transactions across a wide range of industries. Below are Attorney Zhao's educational and bar admission credentials, plus a list of his representative deals and transactions.




Brandeis University: B.A. 1996 (Economics / International Relations)


Boston College Law School: J.D. 1999


Admitted to practice law in New York, Massachusetts and Florida

US-China M&A Transactions


- Represented The Hershey Company in its RMB 3 billion onshore-China acquisition of 100% of Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Joint Stock Co, Ltd.


- Represented China XD Electric Co., Ltd., the world’s leader in smart grid primary equipment, in its global cooperation with General Electric Company, including XD’s US$535 million private placement (in exchange for 15 percent equity) to GE, the formation of a related R&D/manufacturing joint venture in China and a global cooperation in the marketing and sales of smart grid equipment.


- Represented China National Bluestar (Group) Co., Ltd. in its US$2 billion acquisition of 100 percent ownership interest of the Elkem Group, a Norwegian industrial group engaged in the foundry, silicon and solar businesses from Orkla ASA.


- Represented China Huaneng Group in its US$1.23 billion acquisition of 50 percent ownership interest in InterGen, a global power generation company with power plants in the U.K., the Netherlands, Mexico, the Philippines and Australia.


- Represented The Coca-Cola Company in its proposed US$2.4 billion acquisition of China Huiyuan Juice Group.


- Represented China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in its  initial public offering in New York and Hong Kong.


- Represented The PRC Ministry of Finance in its first ever multi-jurisdictional, multi-currency offering of US$1 billion and Euro 550 million sovereign debt offering.


US-China PE Transactions


- Represented Stanley Black & Decker in its onshore-China acquisition of a controlling stake (net value RMB 318 million) in Jiangsu Guoqiang Tools Co., Ltd., together with a call option to acquire the remaining shares following an initial joint venture term.


- Represented The Carlyle Group in its US$190 million PIPE investment in China Fishery Group Limited, the world’s largest industrial fishing company.


- Represented Tingyi Foods International in its US$90 million global convertible bond offering (U.S. 144A/Reg. S).

- Represented The Carlyle Group in its approximately US$316 million disposition of its 40% equity stake in Jiangsu Sinorgchem, one of the world's leading producers of rubber chemical additives, to a subsidiary of Sinochem Corporation.


- Represented CITIC Capital Holdings Limited in its issuance of a strategic 22% stake to Qatar Investment Authority, valued at approximately US$215 million.


- Represented Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund and its co-shareholders in their US$470 million sale of 100 percent equity interest in Motel 168 International Holdings Limited to Home Inns & Hotels Management Inc.


- Represented CITIC Securities International in its US$374 million acquisition of a 19.9 percent interest in CLSA B.V. and Cheuvreux S.A. from CA-CIB Group.


- Represented JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. in its concurrent offerings of US$400 million of senior convertible notes and up to 13.1 million borrowed American depositary shares.




布兰代斯大学:本科 1996 (经济学 / 国际关系)


波士顿大学法学院:法学博士 1999





- 代表美国好时公司(Hershey)以人民币30亿元对价收购中国前五大零食制造商之一:上海金丝猴食品集团。


- 代表中国西电电气股份有限公司(China XD)与美国通用电气集团(General Electric)建立全球范围的“智能电网”合资企业,其中包括西电针对通用的以5.35亿美元股权定向增发(等于西电15%股权)、在西安建立全球最大规模的智能电网研发中心、以及双方在全球范围内的智能电网建设、销售合作框架。


- 代表中国蓝星化工集团以20亿美元对价收购挪威Elkem集团公司,成功进入北欧地区的太阳能电池制造行业。


- 代表中国华能集团以12.3亿美元对价收购Intergen电力集团的50%股权,并通过所涉各国的电力和反垄断部门审核,使华能成功入资分布于英国、荷兰、墨西哥、菲利宾和澳大利亚等国的发电、供电行业。


- 代表美国可口可乐集团拟以24亿美元对价收购中国汇源果汁集团(该项目由于政治原因最终被中国商务部反垄断局否决)。


- 代表中国海油集团(CNOOC)在纽约和香港成功上市。


- 代表中华人民共和国财政部在全球范围内同时发行美金(10亿)和欧元(5.5亿)债券。



- 代表美国史丹利百德公司(Stanley Black & Decker)以3.18亿对价收购中国前三大工具制造商之一:江苏国强工具有限公司的控股权,以及在一年之内对剩余股权可执行的收购期权。


- 代表美国凯雷资本以1.9亿美元对价投资全球最大渔业公司:中渔集团。

- 代表美国凯雷资本(Carlyle Group)以3.16亿美元对价向中国中化集团(Sinochem Group)出售其在江苏圣奥科技有限公司(Jiangsu Sinorgchem)的40%股权,使得卖方得到其原投资数倍的回报,而买方成功获得在全球汽车轮胎制造业内的科技优势。


- 代表中国中信资本有限公司向卡塔尔国家投资管理局(Qatar Investment Authority)以2.15亿美元对价定向出售其22%股权,并同时建立全球性战略投资合作框架。


- 代表美国摩根斯坦利房地产基金以4.7亿美元对价将其在中国莫泰168连锁旅店集团(Motel 168 Group)的100%股权转让予中国如家酒店集团(Homeinns Group)。


- 代表中信国际证券有限公司以3.74亿美元对价从法国CA-CIB集团旗下收购CLSA(里昂证券有限公司)和关联集团Cheuvreux的19.9%股权。


- 代表晶澳太阳能集团在全球发行4亿美元可换股债券和1,310万股新增美国存托股权。



- 代表美国戴尔集团(Dell)在中国进行众多高科技私募投资项目。


- 代表美国道康宁集团(Dow Corning)在中国太阳能行业内进行众多私募投资项目。


- 代表中国复兴资本在中国和硅谷进行众多高科技、互联网领域的风险投资项目。


- 代表中国中信资本下属房地产基金在香港、上海、苏州等各地完成众多商业房地产(办公楼、购物中心)之并购项目。


- 代表南非MIH媒体集团投资重庆晚报等众多中国境内项目。


- 常年担任美国佛州中医学院的法律总监。

US-China VC Transactions & Others


- Represented various equity investments by Dell in China’s software industry.


- Represented various equity investments by Dow Corning in China’s solar energy industry.


- Represented various PE/VC transactions for China Renaissance Capital.


- Represented various portfolio investments and dispositions by the real estate arm of CITIC Capital Holdings Limited.


- Represented MIH Media Group in its various investments in China's print and online media industries.


- Long-term general counsel to the Florida College of Integrative Medicine.

© 2016 by The Zhao Law Firm PLLC

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